Introducing our 1 on 1 tutoring program

What we do

How does it work?

Once you successfully complete the registration process, you will promptly receive an email containing the necessary contact details of the high school tutor designated for your child. Additionally, a Google document will be shared with you and the tutor for the purpose of logging the dates and times of your child's lessons. This document serves as a means of ensuring that the agreed-upon number of weekly lessons is delivered to your child. It is the joint responsibility of both the parent and the tutor to communicate and coordinate the scheduling of lessons. All lessons will be conducted through the Zoom platform, and the tutor will be responsible for providing you with the corresponding Zoom links.

Who are we?

We, the members of Ventura County Education Network, are a dedicated group of highly motivated and compassionate high school students with a strong sense of purpose. Our mission is to provide invaluable assistance to children in underprivileged circumstances, ensuring that they are given the opportunity to excel in their education and achieve success in life. We understand that certain home environments may create obstacles that hinder concentration and academic progress, which is why our team of talented tutors has come together – to make a meaningful impact and help bridge the gap between circumstances and success for these children.

How do I sign up?

To get started, all you need to do is complete a quick google form. Just a quick reminder, when you sign up, you're making a commitment for a whole semester, which spans from September to December.